When it comes to training dogs, most people assume paying through the nose for obedience school is the only method that will work. Though obedience school has the potential to prove effective for your pooch, it is only one option. Furthermore, there is no guarantee obedience classes will actually teach your dog to behave with any sort of consistency.
Keep an open mind, consider all the dog training options available and perform your due diligence to ensure you can move forward with a decision backed by facts as opposed to gut instinct. Sort trough the dog training options and you will find a shock collar for dogs is one of the best options. Here’s a quick look at how to use the e-collar to train your dog.
Training Your Dog With the E-Collar
Using the e-collar to train your dog isn’t as difficult as you might have initially assumed. Be sure to read through the user manual before attempting to train your furry friend with the e-collar and you’ll have a knowledge foundation to work from as you help your pooch learn right from wrong. The collar can be used on all dogs that are not considered aggressive. Use a strong leash that can withstand the force of your dog as he pulls away from you while walking, running and playing and you’ll be able to move forward with training in full confidence. However, the leash should be short to the point that the dog cannot walk out to the road or another area that is unsafe.

Dog owners should begin training with the e-collar’s intensity level set at one setting higher than the furry friend’s level of recognition.
Start out by choosing one of your dog’s most tempting toys or treats. Put the treat a couple feet away from your dog. Move to a place in the room or other space where your dog can no longer see you. Let your dog touch the treat or toy that serves as the temptation and press the stimulation button on the transmitter.
Once your dog pulls away form the object, release the stimulation button. Refrain from speaking and your dog will link the stimulation with the activity in question as opposed to you. The question is whether the pet will respond to the stimulation to a considerable degree. If the pet’s response to the stimulation is not significant, heighten the shock collar for dogs’ intensity level up another notch and repeat the activity. Continue to repeat the training process in different areas with several different types of temptations.
If you find your dog becomes tolerant to the e-collar to the point that heightening the sensitivity level does not make a meaningful difference several weeks into the training process, do not stop using the collar. There is no harm in taking a brief break and picking up the training session where you left off. Above all, don’t attempt to tighten the collar too much, especially if your dog doesn’t seem responsive, as doing so has the potential to lead to the development of soars or redness on the skin.
Stimulate Wisely
The e-collar is centered on stimulating your dog to facilitate the training process. The shock collar for dogs is advanced to the point that it presents the stimulation level directly on its LED display screen. The e-collar makes it especially easy to maintain control of your dog when he or she is off the leash.
Train your dog with the negative reinforcement of heightened stimulation for activities you do not condone and your pooch will receive a completely safe correction. However, the onus is on you to be observant of your dog. Continue to correct unacceptable behaviors, be consistent with its use, weave in obedience commands to correct the misbehavior every single time without exception and your dog will learn how to be well-behaved.
Strategically use the Transmitter for Training
The success of your dog training with a shock collar for dogs is largely dependent on the manner in which you use the transmitter. The strategic use of the transmitter will send a brief corrective vibration, warning tone or shock to the dog’s receiver collar. However, the e-collar is advanced to the point that it even sets the stage for transmitting consecutive warning tones, vibrations or shocks if desired.
Press the corresponding button on the transmitter, hold it and the consecutive vibration, shock or warning tone will occur to make it clear that the behavior in question is unacceptable. Continue to alter the correction level by pressing the up and down buttons on the transmitter as necessary.
Daily Routines Vs. Extreme Situations
Training a dog with the e-collar is that much easier and effective when it is used appropriately based on the context. There is no need to repeatedly shock a dog to correct unacceptable behavior when alternative forms of stimulation are available. The dog collar provides you with the opportunity to choose between vibration, a warning beep and the shock mode. In general, it is recommended that the shock mode only be used in extreme circumstances when the vibration and beep will not suffice. However, if your pooch is acting up during his or her daily routine, don’t resort to shock mode. Instead, correct the minor behavioral transgression with a vibration or beep and your furry friend will get the message.
All in all, the e-collar has 99 levels of static shock and stimulation along with 16 unique vibration levels. There is no need to start at or near the highest level when training your dog. Save the high levels of shock and vibration for situations when you need to immediately correct your dog’s most egregiously inappropriate behavior.
The best way to approach shocks and vibrations is to begin with a low level during the monotony of everyday training and gradually work upward. Observe your dog when stimulating to see if the pooch looks around behind him to identify the source of the stimulation, flicks his or her ears or scratches at the dog collar. Each of these responses indicates the dog’s level of recognition.
Take Baby Steps When Dog Training
The moral of the story is slow and steady wins the race when it comes to using a shock collar for dogs. Gradually guide your dog through training, correcting misbehavior as appropriate and he or she will soak up your guidance. Resist the temptation to overcorrect your pooch with forceful shocks or vibrations, be sensitive to your pet’s tolerance for pain, remain patient and it won’t take long for your dog to learn unacceptable behavior leads to negative reinforcement.
Focus on teaching one command at a time and eliminating a single misbehavior at a time with the dog collar. Take it slow, give your dog time to understand the lessons, remain consistent throughout the training process with ongoing corrections for each misbehavior and it won’t take long for your furry friend to master the learning curve of obedience.
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